

Arapahoe County MCYA Mayors & Commissioners 青年奖 Logo

The Arapahoe County Mayors and Commissioners 青年奖 (ACMCYA) recognizes teenagers who have overcome obstacles and risen to challenges life has presented. This award is unique because it encompasses youth who live and attend school in Arapahoe County within traditional classroom settings, 组织家庭, 选择学校, and emancipated youth.

Scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors who have overcome adversity and wish to pursue post-secondary educational opportunities at vocational, two- or four-year schools.

Introducing the 2024 Award Recipients

The 2024 award recipients were notified in early May and a ceremony of recognition will be held on May 16, 2024 at the Signature Aviation Hangar, 纪念机场.

  • Ademilayo Dosunmu (Ayo): Cherry Creek High School
  • Afton汤普森: 阿拉帕霍高中
  • Alissa戴利: 选择学校
  • 天使爱美丽Pue: 选择学校
  • 产品:所的的狄米特律斯Lucero 高飞学院
  • 哈伦乌尔姆: 阿拉帕霍高中
  • 杰西·庞塞·梅斯: 选择学校
  • 利亚克利尔沃特: 选择学校
  • 利昂娜弗格森: 盖特威高中
  • 她曾迪马特奥: Smoky Hill High School
  • 玛丽凌: 欣克利高中
  • Mohammad Hussainkhail: Rangeview High School
  • Nevaeh Muniz Colorado's Finest High School of Choice
  • 赛迪斯蒂尔: Colorado's Finest High School of Choice
  • Seiah海登: William Smith High School
  • Tianshi (Alice) Hale: 选择学校

Thank You to our Presenting Sponsor

Groove Auto Keep Driving Foundation LogoThe youth awards are sponsored by the Keep Driving Foundation.

The Keep Driving Foundation was established by the employees of Groove Auto. It’s about enriching the lives of children through education and foundational support. The program is locally targeted and classroom focused, enabling area schools to receive donations during the school year that directly impact the students, the school’s facilities and the teachers.


  • Seniors (grade 12) who live and attend school in Arapahoe County are eligible to receive a post-secondary educational scholarship to be used in 2024. 
  • Youth related to Arapahoe County employees are not eligible for this program. 


The application is to be submitted by a teacher/counselor/school administrator, and not related to the youth. The nominator must provide details on why the student should be considered for the award including, ways in which the student has helped their community and how they have overcome challenges. Nominators will need to attach a student-written 3-paragraph essay describing what they have learned from overcoming challenges, plans for their future and what they hope to accomplish in the years ahead. 

A committee comprised of county elected officials (commissioners, mayors, etc.) review applications and make recommendations for awards and scholarships based on the student’s desire to rise above adversity, determination to create positive change within their environment, and the positive contributions and service to their communities and families. 

Scholarship amounts and the number of scholarships awarded are determined on a year-by-year basis.


The nomination window is closed.

Program or Sponsorship Questions

Questions about the process or program should be directed to 凯瑟琳·科斯 ckosse@rssdubai.com.

